As a massage therapist I use various techniques throughout the time you are with me.
Sports Massage - This type of massage helps to increase your sense of wellbeing, allows for an improved quality and quantity of training, identifies potential problems early on which, in turn, helps prevent injury and loss of performance. All of this is very important to an athlete who is seeking to remain injury free during their training schedule, from the time that they begin increasing their training load through to reaching those interim goals and then peaking for their optimum performance in their chosen event.
Remedial Massage - Life stresses are often what leads an individual to seek out this form of massage. It will help to alleviate postural and structural concerns which often cause muscular imbalances. A deep tissue massage of this type can help with a reduction in musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction triggered by emotional, environmental or occupational causes. A person, who has had or is waiting for surgery, who has a systemic illness or physical disability, could benefit from a remedial massage to help their individual situation.
During both a sports and remedial massage I will stretch and loosen the tissues and increase the circulation to the localised area which will lead to greater nutrition reaching the injured site. As a result, scar tissue and adhesions, that may be present, can be broken down and healed. Excessive muscle/fascia tension and thickening can be reduced which in turn releases muscular spasms and decreases muscular pain and discomfort.
Regular sports and remedial massage can lead to improved function and rate of healing as the techniques used can help increase lymphatic drainage leading to a reduction in swelling, soreness, stiffness, lactate and fatigue in the muscle. Posture can be improved and muscle balance is often restored allowing for a greater range of motion around the joint and within muscles.
Soft Tissue Release (STR) -
Neuromuscular Technique (NMT) -
Muscle Energy Technique (MET) -
Positional Release (PR) -
Myofascial Release (MR) -
Pre and Post Event Massage:-
I am available to attend any event in order to provide a high level of service to participants who may want or require a deep tissue massage, post the event, or who want to incorporate massage into their pre warm up for the event.
Pre Event Massage can also be used to get your body to its highest function allowing you to perform to your best level in both training and competition therefore enhancing your overall athletic performance. It is normally brisk and the aim is to raise the muscle temperature, stretch the tissues and increase circulation.
Post Event Massage can help aid your recovery, be it a regular conditioning massage to reduce injury risk or to assist with any sports injuries. It can speed up the removal of the waste products that have accumulated and increase local circulation of those muscles that have been stressed. This type of massage is referred to as Flushing Out.
Kinesiology Taping - This type of tape, often seen applied to athletes, is similar to human skin in terms of its elasticity and thickness. Application of this tape to the injured area helps reduce swelling and encourages lymphatic drainage. Swelling causes pressure and pressure causes pain and use of this tape alleviates this pressure and also the pain. Kinesiology tape also provides support to injured muscles and joints while still allowing a safe and pain free range of motion. In turn, this allows an individual to continue with training/competition or everyday life whilst the body recovers from injury, muscular imbalances and adapts to an improved posture.